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Kaida lauantain tapahtumapaikoilla |
Vaikka hakukokeissa meillä on mennyt tänä vuonna surkeasti, niin tosipaikan tullen koira osaa toimia. Olen pitkään jo pohtinut, etenkin luettuani Kennelliiton julkaisemia sankarikoira-tarinoita, että mitenhän Kaida reagoisi vastaavissa tilanteissa jos sellainen tulisi kohdalle. No, nyt sitten tiedämme, että Kaida todellakin osaa reagoida: vaikka se ehkä piti ojaan sammunutta nuorukaista epäilyttävänä, niin tärkeintä että se halusi käydä tarkastamassa "piilon" eikä vain ohittanut kohdetta.
Briefly in English:
Last Saturday Marko took Kaida quite early for a morning walk. They went familiar route but this time there were something very odd. Suddenly during walk Kaida started barking and pulling Marko off from the path. Kaida found an unconscious young man from the ditch. Guy was hypodermic and without proper outdoor clothing or shoes, with wet clothes. There was just +2 Celsius outside that morning. Marko managed to wake the youth up and then shouted help from the nearby park and with help of couple person they. Together they called ambulance to the scene and a bit later also the medic helicopter arrived.
Later the boys mother contacted Marko. She wanted to thank him and Kaida after they probably saved her sons life. Kaida was rewarded with big juicy bone and lots of hugs.
I quess there is no need to say that we are extremely proud of Kaida right now! <3
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