This week our local working dog society held a meeting were they rewarded their members from last years achievements. I was really surprised as I and Kaida got this huge "Real Beginner" trophy! Last year we participated many kind of training events, tests (AD, BH and obedience tests ) and I did also a lot of volunteer work for the society, even though that was my first year as a member. I ques we were keen enough in dog hobbies to earn this reward :) I am very proud of our work and this was also a good incentive to keep on training!
- Etusivu
- Keitä me olemme?/ Who we are?
- Kuvia/Pics
- Kaidan Treeni- ja koevideoita / Training and trial videos
- Kaidan harrastukset / hobbies
- Kaidan koetuloksia / Trial results
- Näyttelyt/shows - Kaida
- Terveystulokset/Healt check results
- Nuutin harrastelut
- Nivelvaivoista
- Minan tuloksia / Minas trial results
- Näyttelyt/shows - Mina
sunnuntai 31. tammikuuta 2016
Tunnustusta puuhailuillemme! / Reward from our work!
Tällä viikolla Oulun Palveluskoirakerhon vuosikokouksen yhteydessä palkittiin kiertopalkinnoilla ja tunnustuksilla ahkeraa jäsenistöä vuoden 2015 osalta. Toiveikkaana olin ilmoittaunut Kaidankin vuoden saavutukset kisaan mukaan, jos vaikka toko-pisteissä pääsisimme palkinnoille. Yllätys oli kuitenkin suuri, kun meille myönnettiin Tosialokas-kiertopalkinto! Kaidan kanssa on toki ahkerasti viime vuonna kierretty treeneissä ja kerätty AD, BH ja TK1 tulokset, osallistuttu erilaisiin koulutuksiin ja aika monta talkootuntiakin olen ehtinyt OPKYlle tehdä ensimmäisen jäsenvuoteni aikana. Ilmeisesti tämä oli yhdistyksessä huomattu. Tämmöinen muistaminen lämmittää kyllä aloittelevan pk-harrastajan mieltä hurjasti :) Erinomainen kannuste jatkaa treenaamista kohti pk-koulutustunnuksia!
This week our local working dog society held a meeting were they rewarded their members from last years achievements. I was really surprised as I and Kaida got this huge "Real Beginner" trophy! Last year we participated many kind of training events, tests (AD, BH and obedience tests ) and I did also a lot of volunteer work for the society, even though that was my first year as a member. I ques we were keen enough in dog hobbies to earn this reward :) I am very proud of our work and this was also a good incentive to keep on training!
This week our local working dog society held a meeting were they rewarded their members from last years achievements. I was really surprised as I and Kaida got this huge "Real Beginner" trophy! Last year we participated many kind of training events, tests (AD, BH and obedience tests ) and I did also a lot of volunteer work for the society, even though that was my first year as a member. I ques we were keen enough in dog hobbies to earn this reward :) I am very proud of our work and this was also a good incentive to keep on training!
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