In English: We have had misfortune during last weeks with dogs but now things seems to be turning into better way. Kaidas leg wound is healing well (next week we can remove the stitches) and Nuuttis eye is looking now better after we visited another vet and got new medicine drops for him. Today Kaida took part in dog show in Muhos and we were so proud as she was Best of Breed and got her second sertificate! Nuutti was also with as in Muhos and enjoyed the sunny day outside.

Lopuksi pari tämän kesän ensimmäistä aurinkoista kuvaa terveisinä Kaidalta ja Nuutilta! / And, as it is finally starting to look like real SUMMER here in Oulu, here is couple of seasons first summer pic as greetings from Kaida and Nuutti! ;)
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