Eli Kaida on nyt Suomen, Norjan ja Ruotsin muotovalio eli ehdimme vielä vanhoilla säännöillä saada siitä Pohjoismaiden Muotovalion. Myös kansainvälistä muotovalionarvoa varten on laitettu paperit FCI:lle, katsotaan miten pitkään niiden kanssa vielä menee!
Kaida is now officially show champion of Finland, Norway and Sweden so she is also Nordic Champion. It took about 3 months to get the champion verification from Sweden after Swedish Winner shows, but finally we got it! It´s not common for longh haired dutch shepherds to achieve Swedish Champion tittle, as country requires tittle from working dog sports before dog can receive national sertificate in dog show. We can be very proud of Kaidas tittle now!
With these three national champion tittles Kaida will also be international champion (three cacibs from different countries), but it might take another moment before we get that verified in FCI.
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