This year we go to Helsinki Winner and Finnish Winner dog shows by car, last years long train trip was exhausting enough! So we drive in Helsinki tomorrow and then rest a Friday and then participate in dog show at Saturday and Sunday. Today we were orientating Kaida in to city life by taking her and Nuutti in Oulu city center for walk. Nuutti will spent weekend with my partners parents. I am not that optimistic about how Kaida will be doing in dog show as she has dropped most of her few fur off. So she is a bit naked for long haired Dutch Shepherd right now :D But let us hope that we get at least Very Good judgement from Helsinki dog shows!
- Etusivu
- Keitä me olemme?/ Who we are?
- Kuvia/Pics
- Kaidan Treeni- ja koevideoita / Training and trial videos
- Kaidan harrastukset / hobbies
- Kaidan koetuloksia / Trial results
- Näyttelyt/shows - Kaida
- Terveystulokset/Healt check results
- Nuutin harrastelut
- Nivelvaivoista
- Minan tuloksia / Minas trial results
- Näyttelyt/shows - Mina
keskiviikko 2. joulukuuta 2015
Näyttelyviikonloppua kohden / Towards show weekend
Viime vuoden Helsinki Winner ja Voittaja-näyttelyistä viisastuneena starttaamme tänä vuonna näyttelyreissulle omalla autolla. Ja jottei tarvitse juosta kehästä ajomatkasta uupuneena, ajelemme Helsinkiin jo torstain aikana, jolloin jää Kaidallekin perjantain verran aikaa levätä ennen koitosta. Kävimme tänään jo orientoitumassa Oulun keskustassa ja muistuttelemassa Kaidaa, miten pitää ihmisvilinässä käyttäytyä. Illemmalla oli vähän näyttelytreenausta ja huomisaamuna tosiaan lähdetään tienpäälle. Nuutti lähti tänään kaverikoirakeikan jälkeen hoitoon loppuviikoksi anoppilaan. Tänä vuonna tuskin kalju pitkäkarvamme putsaa palkintopöytää viime vuoden tapaan, mutta toivon mukaan sieltä edes Erittäin Hyvän arvosanan saamme kotiintuomisiksi!
This year we go to Helsinki Winner and Finnish Winner dog shows by car, last years long train trip was exhausting enough! So we drive in Helsinki tomorrow and then rest a Friday and then participate in dog show at Saturday and Sunday. Today we were orientating Kaida in to city life by taking her and Nuutti in Oulu city center for walk. Nuutti will spent weekend with my partners parents. I am not that optimistic about how Kaida will be doing in dog show as she has dropped most of her few fur off. So she is a bit naked for long haired Dutch Shepherd right now :D But let us hope that we get at least Very Good judgement from Helsinki dog shows!
This year we go to Helsinki Winner and Finnish Winner dog shows by car, last years long train trip was exhausting enough! So we drive in Helsinki tomorrow and then rest a Friday and then participate in dog show at Saturday and Sunday. Today we were orientating Kaida in to city life by taking her and Nuutti in Oulu city center for walk. Nuutti will spent weekend with my partners parents. I am not that optimistic about how Kaida will be doing in dog show as she has dropped most of her few fur off. So she is a bit naked for long haired Dutch Shepherd right now :D But let us hope that we get at least Very Good judgement from Helsinki dog shows!
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